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Day 3: Be Present

Welcome back to Day 3 of Healthy Mind Power Week, 7 days of short inspirational reads to get your day (and month) off to a great start! Today let us talk about why it is important to be present.

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” -Lao Tzu

I often find myself going over and over a scenario or situation in my mind, driving myself to a state of high anxiety or worry. I’m certain we have all experienced moments like this, on an hourly or daily basis.

The thing is, worry is such a useless emotion. If you can change a scenario, change it. If you can’t change it then your worry is pointless. Let it go. Easier said than done, but a truth nonetheless.

The only way to be fully content is to live in any given moment, to be completely present. The present is all that really exists, the moment before this and after this were, or will become the present. If you’re constantly planning the next thing you are missing your life.

The Challenge

I challenge you today to take a moment today to stop and smell the roses, to be present. Prioritize a small amount of time to being fully present, whether it’s a 10 minute meditation or a short walk in nature without your phone. Your mind will Thankyou!

Have a fantastic 3rd day of the month and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Day 4 of Healthy Mind Power Week! Don’t forget to subscribe and I would love to hear from you in the comment section below.

Follow my Instagram for daily motivation @_mindbodylife.

Tag me and use the hashtag #HealthyMindPowerWeek so I can see what steps you have taken towards living a more present life today!

Love & Light

Lauren x