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Day 6: How much is it worth?

Welcome back to Day 6 of Healthy Mind Power Week, 7 days of short inspirational reads to get your day (and month) off to a great start!

‘The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.’ -Henry David Thoreau

In an instant society where we have the world at our fingertips on our smart phones, we are used to getting answers and results immediately. We are becoming increasingly impatient and unwilling to wait for the payoff to our actions.

The thing is, all great things take time. For example, it is unrealistic to expect that a healthy living diet will have a massive impact after a few days. It takes a lifelong commitment to making healthy habits and choices. We wouldn’t expect to walk into our career life straight from school to the CEO position. We shouldn’t expect that in other aspects of our lives.

Everyone has time to achieve greatness and incredible things, however, before beginning a journey to achieving a certain goal, consider how much time you are truly willing to put into accomplishing it. Are you willing to put a daily habit in place that brings you closer to your goal? Are you willing to wait? And are you capable of prioritizing your goal? You should be, because the payoff will be worth it. There is a statistic that says it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, I believe that by mindfully practicing a skill you can master it sooner. The bigger your dream, the more time you need to commit to making it a reality.

The Challenge

Today I challenge you to begin a daily habit that will be the yellow brick road to your target, whether it’s intentionally choosing healthier, more nutritious foods, beginning a daily language practice, signing up to that yoga class, committing to returning to school, beginning a mindfulness practice, practicing your musical instrument, or prioritizing a relationship. As individuals, our dreams and aspirations will all be varied, the thing we have in common is that they take time. I encourage you to be patient and persistent, if you put the time in, great dividends will come your way. Don’t give up!

Have a fantastic 6th day of the month. I’ll see you back here tomorrow for our final day, Day 7 of Healthy Mind Power Week! Don’t forget to subscribe so you receive my regular weekly blogs direct to your email. I would love to hear from you in the comment section below. Tag me and use the hashtag #HealthyMindPowerWeek. I would love to see what steps you have taken towards living a more present life today!

Follow my Instagram for daily motivation @_mindbodylife.

Love & Light

Lauren x