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Day 5: Love What You Do

It is so important in life to love what you do. Life is too short to be unhappy in your career. Make a change today and choose something that brings you joy

It is so important in life to love what you do. Life is too short to be unhappy in your career. Make a change today and choose something that brings you joyWelcome back to November’s Healthy Mind Power Week: Today is Day 5! 7 days of short inspirational reads to get your day (and month) off to a great start! Today let us talk about why it is important to love what you do.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs

Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are now? What steps did you take to get to the place you are in your career? Were they intentional? Or did you just go with the flow and all of a sudden you’ve realised, actually, I don’t like my job, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life doing this!

We spend an average of 40 hours a week at work, about 2000 hours a year. That’s a lot of time doing ANYTHING. The concept of working to live, as opposed to living to work is nice, but realistically, we spend so much time at work, it is vital we enjoy what we do.

The Challenge

Today, I challenge you to question your happiness levels in your career. If you have a job that you love and are satisfied doing, then congratulations, that’s great! If you are unsatisfied, then begin today! I don’t suggest you quit your job (not immediately anyway), but question what you are truly passionate about in regards to career goals, and what steps you can take to make that passion into a career reality. Is it attending night school? Actioning that small business plan? There’s no day like today to begin!

Have a fantastic 5th day of the month and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Day 6 of Healthy Mind Power Week! Don’t forget to subscribe with your email, and I would love to hear from you in the comment section below.

Follow my Instagram for daily motivation @_mindbodylife.

Tag me and use the hashtag #HealthyMindPowerWeek so I can see what career goals you are actioning today.

Love & Light

Lauren x