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33 Positive Affirmations to Change Your Life

33 positive affirmations to create positive thoughts and a positive mindset so that you can live your best life, at home, at work and in relationshipsThe concept that we are what we think has never been more recognized than in this day and age. The power of positive affirmations to increase positive thinking and create a positive mindset has had a life changing impact on people around the world.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are positive words that we speak to ourselves over and over. They are sentences that are in the present tense, they only include positive words and are spoken as fact. They should be short, simple sentences that are easy to remember.

Affirmations that use language such as “might” or “could” are not as effective as wording such as “am” or “do”.

When we repeat positive affirmations to ourselves, multiple times per day, we are speaking to ourselves kindly and replacing negative thoughts.

Choose 2-3 relevant affirmations from below, or use them as a guide to create your own. Write them down and surround yourself with them. Put them on the bathroom mirror, in your diary or even as a daily reminder set on your phone.

The Good and the Bad

When you create the habit of daily positive affirmations, remember this. What we repeat over and over to ourselves, we believe.

This is not only relevant for positive thoughts such as “I am happy and at peace,” but also applies to negative thoughts such as “I am not good enough.” Try to recognize your negative thought patterns and replace those thoughts with positive affirmations.

Positive Affirmations List

  1. I am in control of how I react to others

  2. I deserve to have Joy in my life

  3. I am happy, calm and at peace. All is well in my world

  4. I am allowed to make mistakes, mistakes teach me worthwhile lessons

  5. I am worthy of respect

  6. My contributions to the world are valuable

  7. I am enough, just as I am

  8. I am in charge of my life and the path it takes

  9. I am beautiful and unique

  10. I am blessed with amazing family and friends

  11. I am open to new adventures and ideas33 positive affirmations to create positive thoughts and a positive mindset so that you can live your best life, at home, at work and in relationships

  12. I am in charge of my thoughts, I have a positive mindset

  13. I already possess all the qualities needed to be successful

  14. My body is healthy, my mind is knowledgeable, my heart is serene

  15. I choose happiness and am grateful for the blessings of health, love and family

  16. I am brave and stand up for what I believe in

  17. I am a highly regarded employee

  18. My body is healthy and I only eat nourishing food

  19. I am loving and worthy of love

  20. I am forgiving and compassionate towards others

  21. I am excited about every day of my life

  22. I accomplish all my goals with ease

  23. I awake each day filled with happiness

  24. I find solutions to challenges and move past them calmly

  25. I attract the best circumstances and people in my life

  26. I love change and adapt to new situations easily

  27. I am proud of myself and all that I do

  28. I am secure in who I am

  29. I inhale calm and exhale tension

  30. I listen to my body and give it what it needs

  31. My home is a peaceful place where I am safe and happy

  32. I am grateful for this present moment and find joy in it

  33. I choose the life I want. I am happy, successful and confident even as I work towards more success, greater joy and personal development in my life.

Repetition is Key

Repetition is the key to success when using positive affirmations. Even if you question the truth behind the affirmation, continue to use it as your mantra. The mind and body does not like to feel uncomfortable, so it will change in time to fit the affirmation. Be consistent, believe it as truth. Because you really are worthy of having the most incredible life. We all are.

Call To Action 

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Love and Light

Lauren x