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Self Care 101: Be Kind to Yourself

Self care 101: Be kind to yourself. Quiet your inner critic and speak to yourself as you would your best friend, with compassion and love.Welcome back to day 2 of Healthy Mind Power Week. A one week series each month to inspire you. This month we are focusing on Self Care. If you missed Day 1, you can check it out here.

Today I’d like to focus on the importance of being kind to yourself.

Lighten up on yourself. No one is perfect. Gently accept your humanness.”
–Deborah Day

Let’s dive right in!

I often notice that I am talking negatively or having negative thoughts towards myself, or witness friends and family doing something similar. Thankfully, I realize and remind myself and my loved ones that it’s not OK.

The best way to look at this conundrum, is by questioning whether you would say what you’re saying to yourself, to a friend. Or accept hearing those negative thoughts from your best friend? You probably wouldn’t be friends for long if you best mate kept telling you that you aren’t good enough and will never be, right?

So why do we talk to ourselves this way? Check out this article for more on negative thinking and how to combat negative thoughts.

The Challenge

Today I challenge you be kind to yourself first. To quiet your inner critic and speak with compassion and care to yourself.

The most important self care begins in the mind. Notice any negative thoughts you may have, stop them in their tracks and imagine your best friend was going through this issue and speak to yourself the same advice you would give them.

Be sure to tag us on instagram _mindbodylife and use the hashtag #healthymindpowerweek so we can see how you’re being kind to yourself today!

See you back here tomorrow for Day 3 of our Self Care focused Healthy Mind Power Week.

Love and Light

Lauren x