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Unplug YOU to Improve Self Care

Take a moment to unplug from the stress of life today to improve self care. Everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes.

Welcome back to day 3 of Healthy Mind Power Week. A one week series each month to inspire you. This month we are focusing on ways to improve Self Care.

Today let’s introduce the idea of switching off:

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
– Anne Lamott

How frequently does your phone, laptop or other appliance malfunction or begin to slow down and not work properly? If your device is anything like mine then it probably happens quite frequently! The quick and easy fix is usually as simple as shutting down the object causing you stress, waiting 3 seconds then powering back on. Then all of a sudden everything just works again! I’ve never fully understood why this is, but we all know it to be true.

The same fix can also be applied to us. When we are feeling stressed, run down or overwhelmed. Often all we need is a period of time to shutdown, a few moments of self care to then restart with a fresh mindset and renewed energy.

The Challenge

Today, I challenge you to shutdown. When you notice you are beginning to struggle, take 3 minutes (longer if you can) to remove yourself from the situation and emotion, to a place where you can be alone, to close your eyes and meditate.

Meditation can be as simple as concentrating on each inhale and exhale. If you want some guidance, there are many smartphone apps you can download: I love the Calm App or Headspace. Or check out this great guide to teach yourself to meditate.

As Anne Lamott says in the above fantastic quote, we just need to unplug for a little while to work again. Try it, I promise it will help.

Be sure to tag us on instagram _mindbodylife and use the hashtag #healthymindpowerweek so we can see how you have unplugged from the stresses of life for a few moments to improve your self care today!

See you back here tomorrow for Day 4 of our Self Care focused Healthy Mind Power Week.

Love and Light

Lauren x