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7 Steps to Better Self Care

Create better self care, love and compassion towards yourself by adding these 7 steps into your life. Say no, meditate, be kind to yourself and more!

Create better self care, love and compassion towards yourself by adding these 7 steps into your life. Say no, meditate, be kind to yourself and more!

Welcome back to day 7 of Healthy Mind Power Week. A one week series each month to inspire you. This month we have focused on Self Care.

Ask yourself what you need everyday and make sure you get it – anonymous

Today I’d like to revisit each of the prior 6 days and see how they all fit together to create better self care!

Say No

Day one was about saying no to things that don’t serve you. It’s ok to schedule time just for you.

Be Kind To Yourself

Day two we spoke about treating yourself as you would your best friend. To tackle negative thoughts and show compassion to ourselves.


On day three we discussed how beneficial meditation is to re center yourself. Create a daily practice of only a few conscious breaths or establish a consistent 20 minute practice if you like! Short or long, your mind will thank you.


The fourth day was focused on expressing gratitude, likely by keeping a journal or line a day diary. By taking a few minutes each day to focus on the good, we are creating a positive highlight reel of our life at the front of our mind. Feeling good is vital for self care.

Nourish Your Body

Day five emphasized the importance of looking after your physical body by ensuring you exercise during the week. Anything is better than nothing. As well as his vital good nutrition is to maintain health and reduce risk of disease.

Ask For Help

On day six, we discussed how it is OK not to be OK. That we all need help, and we just need to ask. Whether it’s seeking professional advice or just asking a friend for support and a shoulder to lean on. People don’t know you need assistance unless you tell them. So ask, maybe you will encourage another individual to ask for help that was too scared previously.

Better Self Care

Which brings us to today. We are all familiar with pyramid diagrams, there’s a famous one, you can check out here, that explains human needs. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization. It is a great concept that can be used for self care too.

The Challenge

My final self care challenge for you is to create your own self care pyramid. Ask yourself what you absolutely need everyday. Put that in the bottom of your pyramid. Then what would you like every other day, put that in the next section up. What do you need once a week? Once a month? Once a year? Continue to fill up your pyramid.

Get creative and design your self care pyramid and stick to it! Be honest with yourself in terms of frequency. The last thing you want is for your self care to become a chore.

Be sure to tag us on instagram _mindbodylife and use the hashtag #healthymindpowerweek so we can see how you have improved your self care today! I would LOVE to see your self care pyramids, feel free to share your creativity in the comments below or on our Facebook page!

Thank you for joining us this week for our Self Care focused Healthy Mind Power Week. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss next months HMPW!

Love and Light

Lauren x