Journal Positive Moments for Greater Happiness
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson
Welcome back to day 2 of Healthy Mind Power Week. 7 days of short inspiring articles to get your month off to the right start. This month we are focusing on Happiness Habits that if implemented into your life will bring your life greater joy, meaning and purpose.
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Lets dive right in:
Positive Moments Journaling
If you have a memory like mine, it is likely when you look back over your week each weekend, you will likely have forgotten that thing that made you laugh or smile. Or you have a hazy recollection of most of the events with few highlights that you can recall.
By journaling for a few minutes each evening about a positive moment you had that day, you are reinforcing that moment in your mind. You firstly got to live the joy of the moment. Then as you journal about it, you get to relive that positive moment. Finally, you triple and quadruple that moment in your mind because you can re read what you have written over and over. Cementing positive moments, 365 days a year into your brain.
For a practical workbook approach that makes journaling positive moments easy, check out this book ,Write Yourself Happy by Megan C Harvey. With positive moments journaling, we can journal more consciously, writing in a way that engages and promotes our most supportive and life-affirming emotions. Through positive moment journaling we are able to feel better AND live better.
The Challenge
Today I challenge you to begin this habit. To write a sentence each day about a positive moment you had in your day. Remember it takes 28 days to form a habit. Be sure to leave the book you choose to write in, somewhere obvious so you don’t forget. Begin forming positive connections in your mind and feeling more joy today.
If you love instagram, post your positive moment for today and tag us @_mindbodylife with the hashtag #healthymindpowerweek so we can see your daily positive moments.
We look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow for Day 3 of our Happiness Habits, Healthy Mind Power Week. Be sure to subscribe for our free newsletter jam-packed with inspirational content, nutritional advice, motivation and yoga expertise!
P.s – If you missed day 1, check it out here
P.P.S – Make sure you check out Megans book Write Yourself Happy … Christmas Gift idea? 🙂
Have a wonderful day
Love and Light
Lauren x