Random Acts of Kindness for Greater Happiness
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
Welcome back to day 4 of Healthy Mind Power Week. 7 days of short inspiring articles to get your month off to the right start. This month we are focusing on Happiness Habits that if implemented into your life will bring your life greater joy, meaning and purpose.
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Lets dive right in:
Random Kindness
Have you ever experienced the unique joy felt when a stranger offers you a smile or warm word? How about when a fellow driver let’s you in to the flow of traffic? Or when you’re 5c short at the till and the clerk says ‘not to worry.’?
On the opposite side, hopefully at somepoint in your life you have experienced the joy felt by doing a random act of kindness. Maybe it is one of the above examples or something more or less. The size of the act is always irrelevant when it comes to improving our own happiness.
Through acts of altruism, we benefit more than just feeling good. Putting others first can reduce our stress and negative thinking, reduces feelings of isolation, puts things in perspective and also makes the World a better place. Acts of random kindness are contagious. I am certain you have experienced the feeling of wanting to ‘Pay It Forward’ after someone has been kind to you.
The Challenge
Today I challenge you to begin a random kindness habit. Ideally try to do something nice for a stranger in the first part of your day, I promise it will set you up for a more positive and happier mindset for the rest of the day. As well as allowing more time in the day for the random stranger to pay it forward. Remember it takes 28 days to form a habit. Be sure to create a conscious or literal reminder for the first few weeks until the habit is part of your daily routine.
If you love instagram, post something kind and joyful for today and tag us @_mindbodylife with the hashtag #healthymindpowerweek so we can share your random kindness.
We look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow for Day 5 of our Happiness Habits, Healthy Mind Power Week. Be sure to subscribe for our free newsletter jam-packed with inspirational content, nutritional advice, motivation and yoga expertise!
P.S – If you missed day 1, check it out here
P.P.S – For more information and to really commit to Happiness Habits, check out this awesome book ‘The Happinesss Habit’ by Brian Colbert. It will change your life.
Have a wonderful day
Love and Light
Lauren x