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5 Things to Quit Right Now

5 things to quit right now to improve your life and overall wellbeing. Includes practical tips to get you started when large goals seem overwhelming.

5 things to quit right now to improve your life and overall wellbeing. Includes practical tips to get you started when large goals seem overwhelming.

Most of us wake up each day just trying to get through the grind, but what if we chose to improve ourselves a little bit each day? We all have things we should quit right now, that would serve us better than adding things to each day.

It may seem like an overwhelming concept to achieve one big ‘Quit’ goal (lose 5 pounds/ quit smoking). However, if broken down into manageable micro goals; what I like to call “Bite size chunks”, then the goal seems considerably less overwhelming.

These 5 things are a great place to start in tying to improve yourself a little each day: try quitting these bad habits and notice how you feel!

Quit complaining

Complaining brings a negative energy to you and those around you. And unfortunately no one cares: so let that shit go!

The first step here is to realise that you are complaining. Try keeping a log of each time you notice yourself complaining whether it is out loud or your inner voice so you can become more mindful of when the habit is occurring. This alone will help stop the thoughts and words before they even come out in due time.

Quit comparing

It’s time to stop comparing yourself to others on social media: it isn’t the full picture, so stop the scrolling if it lowers your mood!

I love that Instagram has started to hide ‘likes’, this was implemented to help mental health and to alleviate the pressures that social media can create. I couldn’t agree more that this is a positive move. It is one way that we can no longer easily compare ourselves to others.

To take it further, if you notice your mood is lower following scrolling social media, reduce your screen time. iPhones now allow you to turn off certain Apps at chosen times, this is one way you can manage this.

In our day to day, comparison with others is not so easily ‘turned off’. Check out this article on comparing yourself to others for more detailed tips on dealing with this negative habit.

Quit wasting time

Life is too short: take a walk, catch up with friends, stop and smell the roses. Each second is precious: don’t waste them wallowing on the sofa.

We all love a lazy Netflix session, and it has it’s place. However, if you find yourself stuck on the sofa every evening watching TV, consider how many hours that is each week and what you could be achieving instead.

As a place to start: try watching one less episode and replace that time spent by reading a good book

Quit postponing your health

You know you should drink more water, make better food choices and exercise: so start doing it! The small things add up. Oh and if you smoke: it’s time to quit!

You could start by reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day by one per day, then reduce further a week later. It will take time, but you will get there.

If you wish to lose weight, focus on eating better as you need to do that anyway (so doesn’t take additional time), and then adding any sort of exercise for even 5 minutes each day. That 5 minutes adds up to 35 minutes over 7 days, and I guarantee once you get started, that 5 minutes will extend to longer. The point is to get started.

Quit people pleasing

You can’t please everyone, all of the time. Fact. So do yourself a favour and stop trying. Be kind and respectful, and choose the higher ground, that’s all.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below on what poor habits you are trying to quit. What methods are you using that you think will benefit others? How do you incorporate them into your daily routine?

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Love and Light

Lauren x