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5 Life Lessons I Learned as a New Mum

5 life lessons I have learned as a new mum to a nine month old. Simple lessons that we all should take note of whether a parent or not.

My baby boy is now nine months old. He is our first and if you’re also a mum, I’m sure you are familiar with the journey we have had these nine months, as well as the adventure that was pregnancy!

I’ve found this entire experience indescribable to someone who hasn’t been through it, personally I’ve found that no matter what anyone told me about pregnancy, labour and becoming a parent: until it happens to you, it’s not something you can comprehend fully. That’s what’s surprised me the most about this entire experience.

The other surprising aspect, is how much I have learned about myself through this entire process.

1. Humans Beings are Resilient

Watching what my body went through during pregnancy, and seeing how quickly it bounces back. The human body is truly incredible and resilient.

The emotional journey that was pregnancy and these first few weeks has been a complete roller coaster, yet I feel stronger than ever and more able to cope with this new chapter. Our minds can cope with a lot more than we give them credit for!

2. What Really Matters

When I finished up work for maternity leave, I fully expected to miss work and really struggle to let go. I am a control freak and love to be extremely organised, and I get a kick out of working hard, so this seemed a logical expectation.

However, day one of maternity leave I didn’t care anymore. My focus was on getting plenty of rest, taking long walks and to ensure this little boy entered the world both healthy and soon.

Having to cater to a babies needs, and mood changes, has forced me to release control and be present.

3. Time is Precious

The past nine months have absolutely flown by. I look at my son and compare him to pictures from a few months ago and cannot believe the drastic changes. Children tend to make time speed up, they are a living example of how much changes in a short period of time.

It is important to cherish what matters most, whether that is cuddles, play time, sleep! What ever matters to you: we all have the same amount of time. Use it well!

4. People ARE Kind

Sometimes I think, what have we done? The world has gone mad and our beautiful little boy is going to grow up in this chaotic world. Then I remember some of the incredible experiences of kindness I have witness during my pregnancy and in these first months of motherhood.

I experienced more kindness during my 9 months of pregnancy than the rest of my life! There is something beautiful about new life that brings out the best in people.

As a new mum, I am trying to pay the good deeds forward to other new mums. I would like to send thanks out into the universe to the wonderful woman who gave me her entire pack of tissues at a counter in a store when I was obviously quite flustered and had just been covered in puke by my then 3 month old. It may seem so simple. They were just tissues. But they meant the world to an emotional new mother.

5. Love Yourself First

You can’t pour from an empty cup has a whole new meaning as a mother. he demands of motherhood are indescribable to anyone who has not yet experienced it. Especially those first months; the lack of sleep, hormones, and adjustment to becoming a parent is very overwhelming and it is vital to take time to refill. your cup.

In the early days, this means asking for help. It takes a village to raise a child, so there’s no need to feel alone or that you have to do it all by yourself. Give yourself a break, even if it’s 5 minutes. Take those 5 minutes to breathe deeply and reset. It gets easier and you are doing great!

What life lessons have your learned as a new mum? What do you wish you knew or what advice would you give to another new mum? Feel free to comment below!

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Love and Light

Lauren x